
elderly care

Arthritis is one such disease in the body that needs to be managed by ourselves more than anyone else around. Though the diagnose needs to be authentically done and medication needs to be taken yet managing Arthritis by self is also essential. When Arthritis is managed by self it brings about positive and encouraging results through healthy life style along with emotional and physical efforts for managing the arthritis pain. In every case the effects of Arthritis is different and it is up to every individual how they learn and practice to live well with it and become better. Self-management of Arthritis makes a lot of difference in the attitude of the patient and the quality of their lives as it gives encouragement and let them continue with what is important for them.

In order to manage arthritis, one must be aware of the disease and their own physical condition. This can be done with the aid of thorough consultation with your physician regarding the disease and have each and every issue of doubt clarified. In order to have a better fall back develop a good network of your friend and relatives who are updated with your emotional and physical condition. In order to keep things in track chalk out a plan of activities, exercises and diet in consultation with the doctor and make this available to the network of friends and relatives. In order to keep things under control one needs to have certain self-management techniques to be followed as laid out below:

  • One needs to be organized in order to keep a watch on the symptoms, level of pain, amount of medicines and their side effects after discussing the same with the physician.
  • In self managing the arthritis pain one need to make sure the pain is under control and does not lead to fatigue in the long run. Along with medicines one need to learn natural techniques to manage the pain because if the pain increases it will lead to fatigue in the long run. Arthritis is a chronic disease so the patient has limitations due to the same, thus natural therapies like yoga can help rejuvenate the mind and body for a better living. Yoga and exercises are beneficial in managing the pain and helps the management of the overall health. The asanas in Yoga helps in strengthening the muscles, tissue repair, and regeneration of new cells, better joint movements and helps in keeping the mind oxygenated for a longer period of time.
  • Along with exercises one need to take good rest as arthritis leads to joint pains and resting the joints will only provide solace.
  • Eating a healthy diet rich of proteins, vitamins and minerals will help the rejuvenation of joints from inflammation as they are rich in antioxidants helping in controlling the inflammation.
  • Sleep is also an essential element in arthritis management as sleep provides better tissue and cell repair. If one has an abnormal sleeping pattern, change in sleeping pattern can work wonders on the joints.

Following the above mentioned Arthritis management on a self-managed basis one can survive without much pain and better mental health in the long run.
