
osteoarthritis in women

Cardiovascular risk is nothing but the risk on account of the frequency of any disease relating to the blood vessels or that of the heart in a stipulated time frame. The contributory causes include high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, obesity, genetic factors, lack of diet, excessive consumption of alcohol, absence of fitness, lack of sleep, pollution, age factors etc.  Most of these cardiovascular diseases in general are affecting the older generation across the world and it has become one of the major causes for death in middle aged and elderly people.

One Life Health Care experts and nursing care givers are well equipped to provide the necessary assistance for patients to protect them from the risk of cardiovascular diseases at their doorstep. They make it a point that the patients follow a proper diet regime that is rich in polyunsaturated fat thereby replacing saturated fats. The main portion of the diet plan for the patients is as follows:

  • Fruits and vegetables – rich in fiber and antioxidants.
  • Legumes – rich in protein, nutrients as well as fiber.
  • Fish – Omega 3 is inherent in fish and it is also rich in protein.
  • Whole grains – rich in vitamin B, E, magnesium, iron content and other nutrients
  • Nuts and seeds, plant based substances like plant sterols and stanols, healthy drinks, etc is also a part of their diet.

The diet part alone will not help a person to overcome this risk. It has to be supplemented by doing various exercises. These exercises are recommended by doctors and nursing care givers at One Life to be followed in day to day routine. The activities include walking, cycling, swimming, push ups, squats etc. The regime differs based on the age group a person belongs to. Thus once a person follows these diet charts and fitness regimes along with medical advice, they are sure to be free from the cardiovascular risk to a greater extent.
