
chronic kidney disease diet

Your kidneys are an integral part of the waste management system of your body. If you are a person with chronic kidney disease (CKD), in all probability, your kidneys are not functioning optimally. A change in diet is required to accommodate the requirements of your kidneys and protect them so they last longer.A healthy diet that can control hypertension and diabetes can indirectly protect your kidneys.

Some general dietary dos and don’ts for a person with kidney disease:

  • Limit your intake of sodium, especially if you have hypertension. Avoid snacks, canned foods, processed foods including meat, and of course reducing dietary salt intake.
  • Increased intake of protein requires your kidneys to work harder to produce and remove waste. Thus, reduce your intake of protein rich foods like dairy products, meat, fish, and eggs.
  • Watch the amount of fluid intake as your kidneys may not be able to get rid of the excess water thus leading to swelling and fluid build-up. Avoid salty foods and stay in a cool environment to avoid getting thirsty.
  • Limit the amount of potassium and phosphorous as your kidneys may not be able to get rid of it. Excess phosphorous can cause your bones to lose calcium. Avoid foods that are high in phosphorous e.g. Whole grains, beer, cocoa etc.
  • Do not take any supplements of vitamins or minerals or any herbal products without consulting your doctor.
  • It is important to not skip meals. Eat small meals if you’re not very hungry.

How to ensure that your diet is customized to suit your needs?

One diet does not fit all. Diets change from person to person and also depends on how well your kidneys work. Diet may also change as the disease progresses or improves. Other diseases like diabetes and hypertension have to be taken into consideration while charting out a diet. Therefore, it is extremely important to consult your doctor and a dietician to ensure that your diet is customized to suit your needs.

How can One Life help you in this?

At One Life we have a dedicated clinical team who will coordinate with your primary physician before they can customize a diet plan just for you. Call us on our toll-free number 1800 425 19999 for more information or to make an appointment.
